Thursday, July 14, 2016

The BIG Trip #2

So I wake up early in the morning to finish preparing for the five hour flight ahead of us. We eat breakfast, finish packing and say good bye to my mom and my dads girlfriend. When we arrive at the airport it wasn't hard to find the first of my family. Out side he airport is my grandpa, sitting in the front of the car a huge open gash on his forehead. Apparently well getting the bags he hit his head on the car door. After running about for ten minuets to find bandages we finally settle in the front of the airport, just waiting for one more family, the dancer, her husband, and her seven children. Finally we can't wait any longer or we will miss our flight so we head to bag check. My grandma, who favorites the dancer, decides to stay and wait for her. About and hour later and I'm on a plane for the first time in years, sitting next to the dancer's seven annoying children. The flight turned out to not be to bad. I sat by the window and watch all three Hunger Games. I tried falling asleep but the seats were to uncomfortable. We landed in Honolulu around 1pm in the afternoon then had a thirty minuet layover, in which we all got crappy airport hotdogs. Around 2:15 we landed in our destination, Maui.

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